Camp Chef(專註戶外野營)

Camp Chef

In 1990, Camp Chef was established on the idea that there just had to be a better way to cook outdoors. We recognized many campers and sportsman had an interest in outdoor cooking but were struggling with what cooking equipment was available to them. That is when he designed a stove that would meet the needs of the avid outdoorsman.

在1990年,Camp Chef的建立伴隨這種理念:擁有一箇更好的戶外燒烤方式。我們認識到許多露營者和戶外愛好者對戶外烹飪有興趣,但是掙紮在什麽烹飪設備是值得提供給他們。那以後他(Ty Measom)以滿足戶外愛好者的需求來設計烤。

Camp Chef is located in the heart of Cache Valley, Utah, surrounded by the beautiful Bear River Mountain Range, a perfect site for product testing. Each product is a result of Camp Chef's dedication to outdoor cooking and its pledge to improve and create new products that fulfill the needs of its highly valued customers.

Camp Chef 位於猶他州,環繞著美麗的熊河山脈,一箇完美的網絡進行産品測試。Camp Chef 的每箇産品都是對戶外烹飪的貢獻,併承諾在高度重視客戶需求的前提下改善和創造新産品。

Camp Chef is ever continuing to improve its' products and create new products that fulfill our customer's outdoor cooking needs. Take a trip around our web sight and discover for yourself, Camp Chef "The Way to Cook Outdoors".

Camp Chef的烤爐主要在山東青島旭陽生産

Camp Chef的産品種類涉及(野營爐,顆粒爐,火盆等)
BBQ-JC評 Camp Chef :

