
2016-10-07 13:34:00

High-end-grill Made in Germany. In 2009, we literally started the companyin a garage. We even had to turn our living room into a storage area, and for awhile my family had seven grills spread throughout the house.


"Our objective was to create a grill that meets the requirements of safety, health,convenience and mobility, but simultaneously retains that smoky flavor grilled barbecued food is known for"


The Bob Grillson Premium is the world’s first barbecue that one can remotely control using an iPhone. In the Grillson app, all actual and target settings, especially the two integrated meat thermometers, can be controlled at aglance. Be smart. Grill smart.

Bob Grillson是世界上第一个可以远程使用iPhone控制的烧烤炉。在grillson APP,所有实际和目标设置,尤其是肉类双温度计,可以一目了然控制温度。让烧烤变得更智能化。

Grillson manufactures and sells the world's unique wood pellet barbecue Bob Grillson and it's accessories. Grillson was founded by Dirk Luttermann and is located in Hannover/Germany. All Grillson units are developed and manufactured in Hannover.The company is privately held and currently manages a strong growth.

Grillson生产和销售世界上独特的颗粒烧烤炉和它的配件。Grillson是由Dirk Luttermann创办,位于汉诺威/德国。Grillson所有颗粒烧烤炉的开发和生产在汉诺威。该公司是私人持有,目前增长非常强劲。

Main markets for selling Bob Grillson are Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Belgium. There is interest to develop further foreign markets.

Bob Grillson销售的主要市场是德国、奥地利、瑞士和比利时。目前也在发展其他市场 (例如美国) 。

( 抛砖引玉,有熟知 Grillson ,欢迎赐教 )