Blue Rhino(蓝犀牛)——犀牛有蓝色的么?


Blue Rhino(蓝犀牛)

People ask us all the time where the name "Blue Rhino" came from. It all started back in 1994 with a man named Billy Prim.

人们总是问我们关于“蓝犀牛” 名字的来源。这一切要追溯到1994年,跟一个叫比利·普里姆的人有关。

Billy was from a small town in North Carolina, but he thought big. An entrepreneur at heart, Billy wanted to take his convenience store business to the next level. He found what he was looking for on a trip to Paris: a propane cylinder exchange display at a gas station.

比利 来自北卡罗莱纳州的一个小镇,但他想法很大。在企业家的心里,比利想让自己的便利店业务更上一层楼。在一次巴黎之行中 ,他发现他所找寻的:丙烷气罐,陈列显示在一个加油站。

Blue Rhino is also a leading designer and marketer of barbecue grills, outdoor heaters, mosquito traps, and other outdoor appliances. And Blue Rhino also offers a complete line of barbecue accessories, now that the Mr. Bar-B-Q® teamhas joined the Blue Rhino family.

犀牛 有烧烤炉,户外 取暖器, 捕蚊器等户外设备的领先设计和销售。蓝 犀牛还提供 完整 烧烤配件 产品线 ,目前Mr. Bar-B-Q® 的团队已经加入了蓝犀牛 大家庭

Uniflame 属于 Blue Rhino 旗下的一个烤炉品牌。

Blue Rhino 与北美各大商超均有合作,以Walmart、Target订单偏多。在国内与尚峰国际合作关系紧密。


Blue Rhino的产品种类涉及(烧烤炉及配件,取暖器,火盆, 捕蚊器等),小炭炉和便携气炉,产品简单,订单数量大,单价低,利润薄。一般工厂接不下来,订单来自Wal-mart,做倒闭了好几家工厂(南海广亿五金,钜牛五金)当然工厂倒闭也有自身原因,不能怪订单。

BBQ-JC评 Blue Rhino

产品简单 ,数量大 ,毛利低